Welfare per Sognatori – Olanda

L’Italia è il paese al primo posto in Europa per numero di anziani e al secondo posto nel mondo dopo il Giappone. Nel bel Paese la vita si allunga e purtroppo anche le fragilità come le demenze e malattie similari avanzano velocemente.
In questo scenario quale ruolo hanno l’arte e cultura?

L’organizzazione Le Compagnie Malviste propone un dialogo oltre il confine.
Welfare per Sognatori, un incontro/confronto tra realtà italiane e enti dei Paesi Bassi, che
operano attraverso arte e cultura come strumenti per la cura della persona.
L’evento si svolgerà il 18 aprile alle ore 15.30, presso la sede dell’Istituto di Cultura Italiana ad

Alla fine del talk, seguirà lo spettacolo dal titolo Il Manto, L’arte Della Cura.
Una performance teatrale ideata e prodotta da Le Compagnie Malviste che si interroga sull’arte
della cura, in cui il manto rappresenta la figura del caregiver.
Il titolo dello spettacolo si ispira ad un’opera pittorica di Piero della Francesca “La Madonna del

La drammaturgia e le coreografie sono il frutto di un laboratorio di teatro sociale e di comunità per e con un gruppo di persone adulte, anziane e fragili, che si è svolto presso alcuni quartieri nel
nord-ovest di Milano. La performance vuole promuovere una partecipazione attiva e creativa
anche delle persone più svantaggiate e fragili, che altrimenti rischierebbero di rimanere ai margini della società. Lo spettacolo racconta la dura vita del caregiver e porta lo spettatore a riflettere sulla questione: “Chi si prende cura delle persone che danno cura?”
Le musiche composte ed eseguite dal Maestro Gian Pietro Marazza, le danze di Letizia Dradi
La performance ha debuttato a Firenze in Piazza Santissima Annunziata e a Milano presso alcuni
istituti scolastici.


Alvise Campostrini, City maker, graduated in theater dramaturgy at the “Paolo Grassi” Academy of Dramatic Arts in Milan. Founder and current president of Le Compagnie Malviste. Playwright and autobiographer of Le Compagnie  Malviste. Professor in social work models for the promotion of human rights and social justice

Alessandro Manzella, director and actor. Founder of Le Compagnie Malviste. Conductor of social and community theater workshops. Professor in social work models for the promotion of human rights and social justice. Creator of the artistic psychosocial intervention “Teatro Fragile, maneggiare con cura”

Matteo Moscatelli, is a researcher in sociology at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of Milan. His main research topics are about relational skills and the quality of welfare and social services

Andrew Greenwood, is originally from London, England. He spent most of his adult life on stage as a classical ballet dancer and on retiring. He started to work with different international companies as an international ballet master. His focus now, is art and inclusion. His life work now is how to create new situations which have a dynamic energy.  What is the power of the arts? How to offer the receiver, a personal powerful experience.

Margot Hoiting, founder of the Embrace Nederland Foundation was a professional flautist (conservatories of Groningen and Amsterdam). From the start of her career she was founder and commissioner of innovative ensembles for new work, such as Combustion Chamber and Music Theater Group Amsterdam. She worked as an artistic manager, among others, for Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam and was involved in starting up various musical initiatives, such as the CityProms Festival in Leeuwarden

Philip Curtis, founder of the Embrace Nederland Foundation He was the first singer at Yehudi Menuhin’s Live Music Now initiative in London. As a singer, actor, director and writer, he was involved in new music theatre, musicals and opera. As a conservatory teacher, he is responsible for new curricula, such as Performance & Communication, Musician as Actor and Music & Healthcare.

Peter De Boer, founder with Margreet Melman of Fort van de Verbeelding and since then owner. Has the general and musical direction.Prefers to lead large projects with many different musical ingredients. To eventually connect them together as a conductor.

Teun Starink,  21 years old with a great passion for music. He has playing and enjoying the guitar for quite some years now. But something he has learned more recently is the power of making music together. He had the chance to learn this during the internship and now in his work with the Fort van de Verbeelding.


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